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Friday, November 20, 2015

7th CPC Recommendations

7th CPC has recommended higher pay for IP, ASP and Group-B cadres.  A long pending demand is now seen accepted by the Pay commission.  Our Association had submitted a memorandum to the 7th CPC (available in the All India Blog).  We had requested to grant GP of Rs.5400 to Group-B, Rs.6600/- as Non-functional GP after 4 years in Group-B, Rs.6600/- as entry level GP for JTS and Rs.7600/- for STS.  Except GP of Rs.5400/- for Group-B, other demands are not seen considered.  We have to project our demand again.  Unfortunately, our All India Association has become non-existent.  Major Circles were requested to convene All India General Body but none has come forward.  Kerala Circle is ready to convene the All India General Body if it is agreeable to other Circles.  We should have an All India Association to present our demands.  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The net increase is likely to be in the range of 22 per cent after subsuming the current 119 per cent dearness allowance in the new basic and grade pay scale.

The Seventh Pay Commission is likely to recommend a net increase of 22 per cent over the current pay package of Central government employees with a 15 per cent raise in basic pay and up to 25 per cent jump in allowances.

“The net increase is likely to be in the range of 22 per cent after subsuming the current 119 per cent dearness allowance in the new basic and grade pay scale,” sources said. They said the net figure would provide the government the leeway to add another 5-7 per cent increase — as was done on the last two Pay Commission recommendations — to take the eventual raise to nearly 30 per cent.

The final figure, however, could be a tad below the 35 per cent hike employees got on implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission in 2008. “That time the situation was different. There was buoyancy in revenue collections. Now revenue receipts have become stagnant,” an official said. 

The recommendation, which will become effective after a Cabinet nod, will impact 50 lakh Central government employees and 54 lakh pensioners. Sources said they expected the entire approval process to take another four months, at least, with the likelihood of its implementation by June next year.

However, since the hike in salaries is effective from January 2016, the arrears until June could be hived off as employees’ savings into the pension fund. “The Controller General of Accounts is already considering options for investment of Seventh Pay Commission arrears,” said an official

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Transfer and posting in PS Group B

Sri. Narendran, AD(LC) Circle Office has been posted as AD(Mails) Circle Office in the vacancy caused due to adhoc promotion of Sri. P.Suseelan as SSP, Ernakulam.  Sri. Salimkumar, OSD, Circle office  stands posted as AD(LC) in the place of Sri. Narendran.  CBS earlier attached to OSD is now attached to AD(Tgy), CO.  The OSD post which would become vacant consequent to the above changes will be restored as Dy.SP at Trivandrum North Division.  ASP(Philately) post will also be restored simultaneously by redeploying the post of ASP(OD) of Trivandrum North Division.  

Transfer and posting in SAG

Smt. Sumathi Ravichandran, PMG(BD), Kerala Circle has taken over charge as PMG, Central Region, Kochi.  Sri. Venkateswarlu, PMG, Central Region has been relieved on his deputation to AP State Government.  Our Association wish both these officers all success in their new assignments

Adhoc Promotion to JTS Group-A

Sri.P.Suseelan, AD(Mails) Circle Office has been granted adhoc Promotion to JTS Group-A and posted as SSP, Ernakulam.  The Association wish him all success in his new assignment

Regular Promotion to PS Group-B

Sri. Sreerangan, AD(Est & Rectt), Circle Office and Sri. Anverjan, SP, Alappuzha have been granted regular promotion to PS Group-B.   Only two officers have been allotted to our Circle though eight vacancies were reported to Directorate.  Our Association congratulates both the officers and also wish them all the very best in their career.  


Sri.P.K.Haridas, SSP, Ernakulam has retired on 31.10.2015.  Sri. P.Jayadevan, SSP, Calicut is retiring on 30.11.2015.  Postal Officers Association Wish both of them a Happy and Peaceful Retired Life.  The Association is planning to arrange a farewell at Trivandrum on 24.11.2015 at 6.30 PM.  A formal invitation is being extended to both the officers.  All our members are requested to participate in the function.