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Friday, December 21, 2012


The following officers joined in the posts shown against each on trabsfer 1. K.K.Jyasankar - SSP Calicut 2. K.G.Balakrishnan - SSP Thrissur 3. P.Ramakrishnan- SSP Palakkad

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Dear friends A farewell party has been arranged to Sri. P.M.Vasudevan Rtd SSP Palakkad and to Sri. K.Radhakrishnan Nair AD RO Kochi ( due to retire from service as on 31-12-2012) at HOtel Woods Manor MG Road (Woodlands Junction) Ernakulam on 12-1-2012 (Saturday) at 11 AM. All members are cordially invited and requested to attend the function in time. Circle Secretary

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Adhoc Promotion

Sri. K.G.Balakrishnan SP Kannur posted as SSP Thrissur on adhoc promotion

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Sri. P.M.Vasudevan SSP Palakkad retired from service on superannuation as on 30-11-2012. The Association wishes a very Happy and Peaceful retirement life to him.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Repatriation of PS Gr.B cadre officers to their parent circle. No. 9-18/2012-SPG Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001. Dated : 11/10/12. O R D E R Sub : Transfer / posting of officers of PS Gr. B cadre. The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the competent authority for the following transfers/postings on request from the officers concerned in Postal Service Group B grade: Sl. No. Present Circle Present Circle Circle allotted 1 Gautam Tarafdar Assam West Bengal 2 Pradeep Kr. Dey North East West Bengal 3 Ranjit Halder Assam West Bengal 4 Nikhil Kr. Mondal Assam West Bengal 5 Smt. T. V. Sundari Kerala Tamil Nadu 6 V. P.Chandrasekhar Bihar Tamil Nadu 7 S. A. Mujeeb Basha Delhi Tamil Nadu 8 T. Saharaju Gujrat Tamil Nadu 9 C. Karuppasamy Postal Directorate Tamil Nadu 10 R. Santhakumar Postal Directorate Tamil Nadu 11 K. Venkatachalam Harayana Tamil Nadu 12 M. Sriraman Jharkhand Tamil Nadu 13 R. Chidambaram North East Tamil Nadu 14 Banwari Lal Kumar Gujrat Rajasthan 15 Hemraj Rathore Gujrat Rajasthan 16 Ram Singh Gujrat Rajasthan 17 Bhagirath Mal Bunkar Gujrat Rajasthan 18 Kulwinder Pal Dutta Harayana Punjab 19 Inderjit Sharma Harayana Punjab 20 Ratikanta Swain Jharkhand Orissa 21 Naba Kishore Samal Bihar Orissa 22 Surendra Nath Panda Bihar Orissa 23 Suresh Yedve Kerala Karnataka 24 S. S. Patil Kerala Karnataka 25 K. V. Anantharamu Kerala Karnataka 26 K. Lakshmi Keshava Maharashtra Karnataka 27 Sudhakar G. Devadiga Maharashtra Karnataka 28 O. Govindappa Delhi Karnataka 29 M. R. Kawadkar Jharkhand Chhatisgarh 30 A.Kumarswamy Postal Directorate Delhi 2. Benefit of TA/TP joining time etc. shall be permissible to the officers on the above transfer if he/she has been working in the present circle of posting for one year or more. 3. Relevant charge report may be sent to all concerned in due course. Sd/- (B. P. Pant) Assistant Director General (SGP)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Sri Aravindakshan Sr Pm Ernakulam was placed under suspension on 3.9.2012. The association had taken up the issue with Cpmg

Monday, August 27, 2012

Postal Officers' Association (India) conducted their All India Conference at Delhi and following officers have been elected for next term. 

1. President            - Sri S. V. Rao, SSPOs, Hyderabad South East Division. (M--o7838027729)
2. General Secretary - Sri Virendra Kumar Singh, ADG (Philately) Postal Directorate. (M--09910337929)
3. Treasurer          - Sri S. Ranganathan, ADG (Techonlogy) Postal Directorate. (M--09650801486)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Shri. K.V.Vijayakumar our Circle Treasurer proceeded to  Delhi to attend the 24th All India Conference at New Delhi from 18th to 19th August 2012. Items if any to be discussed in the All India conference may please be intimated to Shri. K.V.Vijayakumar over mobile no. 9446395344

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Right to Information ACT – Clarifications & Instructions

A.     Acceptance of RTI Application/appeal
1.      Accept the RTI applications without asking the reasons for making the applications, as asking for the reasons for making the applications is in violation of Sec 6(2). Do not insist on countersignature by some particular officer. Make necessary suitable arrangements to receive the application for information/appeal in the absence of nominated officer/official.
2.      Accept the RTI application fee in the mode prescribed by Nodal Department i.e. Department of Personnel & Training. Mode of RTI application fee are (i) Cash (ii) Demand draft (iii) Banker’s cheque (iv) Indian Postal Order. There is no fee prescribed for appeal.
3.      The RTI Act does not provide any standard form of application for information. The nodal Ministry of the Government of India has also not prescribed any format for application. Hence the Department cannot insist on a particular format of application and no application can be rejected on this ground.
4.      The RTI application shall be received by any Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) in those offices where there are several CPIOs having different jurisdictions. It would be the duty of the CPIO who receives the application to direct it to the concerned CPIO.
B.     Maintenance of record
5.      Maintain record of application/appeal under RTI in the formats prescribed by CIC.
6.      Furnish Quarterly Report and Annual Report to the Directorate in prescribed formats by 10th of falling month.
C.     Disposal of application/appeal
7.      Opinion, Analysis, Comparability, Examination of issue, redressal of grievances are outside the purview of the Act.
8.      Request applicant for specific information if the information sought for is vague or not specific. (Decision No. 249/IC(A)/2006, F.No. CIC/MA/C/2006/00190 dated 07th Sep 2006 Case of Shri BP Singh Vs. CBEC)
9.      File notings are not, as a matter of law, exempted from disclosure.
10.  Every decision has to be conveyed within stipulated period under the signature of designated CPIO/Appellate Authority as the case may be. (Appeal No. 149/1CPB/2006 F.No. PBA/06/234 dated 02nd Nov 2006 Case of Shri PS Pattabiraman Vs. Department of Posts, Tamilnadu Circle). Comments on the appeal should also be sent under the signature of either CPIO or Appellate Authority as per requirements (Copy of decision enclosed).
11.  Any rejection of request for information has to be in terms of the provisions of the RTI Act and the specific provisions applied in a particular should be mentioned while responding to the applicant. (Appeal No. 1CPB/A-4/CIC/2006 dated 10th Feb 2006 Case of Shri Rajesh Pandita Vs. Deptt. Of Posts)
12.  Intimate the detailed particulars of Appellate Authority & time limit for appeal while rejecting/supplying requested information to the applicant. It has further been ruled that the 1st appeal in all cases would lie with the Departmental Appellate Authority and only at the stage of 2nd appeal would the appeal lie with the Central Information Commission (CIC).
13.  Intimate retention period in case of information sought has been weeded out under Record Retention Schedule/Preservation of Records Rules. It would also be advisable to enclose copy of relevant rules or the extract of rules under which weeding of records has been done.
14.  Never advise the appellant to prefer the 1st appeal itself to Central Information Commission on the ground that the decision to deny the information had been taken at the highest level (Appeal No. 1CPB/A-4/CIC/2008 dated 10th Feb 2006 Case of Shri Rajesh Pandita Vs. Deptt. Of Posts)
D.     Misc
15.  Display the particulars of CPIO and Appellate Authority of concerned office at entrance of office for public.
16.  Copies of evaluated Answer Papers are not to be made available to the candidate or others. As and when answer papers are evaluated, the authority conducting the examination and the examiners evaluating the answer paper stand in fiduciary relationship to each other. Hence in fiduciary relationship the disclosure of such information is exempted under Section 8(1)(c). Further it is purely a personal information, the disclosure of which has no relation to any public interest or activity and this has been covered under Section 8 (1)(j) of the Act. (Appeal No. 1CPB/A-2/CIC/2006 dated 06th Feb 2006 Case of Ms. Treesa Irish Vs. Kerala Postal Circle)
Note: The above decision was reviewed by CIC in decision dated 23.04.2007 in complaint No. CIC/WB/C2006/00223, Appeal Nos. CIC/WB/A/2006/00469, & 00394; Appeal Nos. CIC/OK/A/2006/00266/00058/00066/00315 filed by S/Shri Rakesh Kumar Singh and others. The CIC has held that in respect of public authorities, the main function of which is not of conducting examination, but only for filling up the posts either by promotion or by recruitment, be it limited or public, the disclosure of the answer sheets shall be the general rule but each case has to be examined individually to see as to whether disclosure of evaluated answer sheets would render the system unworkable in practice. If that be so, the disclosure of the evaluated answer sheets could be denied but not otherwise. However, while doing so, the concerned authority should ensure that the name and identity of the examiner, supervisor, etc. is in no way disclosed so as to endanger the life or physical safety of such person. If it is not possible to do so, the authority concerned may decline the disclosure of the evaluated answer sheets under Section 8(1)(g). The right to get an evaluated answer sheet does not however, extend to claiming inspection of or getting a copy of the evaluated answer sheets concerning other persons.
(Auth: DG Posts letter No. 101-5/2008-RTI dated 25 Mar 2008)

Friday, July 20, 2012

List of Officers Promoted to Senior Time Scale (PB-3: Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/-) of Indian Postal Service
Group ‘A’ effective from 01.04.2012 vide DG Post Order No.4-34/2011-SPG dated 19.06.2012.
S. No. Name of the Officer (S/Shri) Present Posting
1. K. Muniramaiah Karnataka Circle
2. G. S. Sutaria Gujarat Circle
3. C. P. Labana Gujarat Circle
4. Mehar Singh Panchal Haryana Circle
5. Shankar Prasad U. P. Circle
6. Shambhu PTC, Saharanpur
7. Satya Pal Yadav APS
8. N. D. Prajapati J & K Circle
9. A. K. Hanjura Karnataka Circle
10. R. M. Patel Gujarat Circle
11. P. H. Panchal Gujarat Circle
12. M. N. Singh Jharkhand Circle
13. V. U. More Maharashtra Circle
14. Surender Kumar ADG (GDS), Postal Dte.
15. H. R. Vakharia Gujarat Circle
16. Somnath Chuchra ADG (Inv-1), Postal Dte.
17. S. V. Rao A. P. Circle
18. Suraj Bhan Malhotra Haryana Circle

Monday, July 9, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988— Relaxation for travel by air to visit Jammu & Kashmir

CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988— Relaxation for travel by air to visit Jammu & Kashmir

The Department of Personnel and Training has issued orders today regarding that the relaxation for travel by air to visit Jammu and Kashmir under Leave Trevel Concession, is extended for a further period of two years with effect from 18.6.2012 to 17.6.2014 as per CCS (LTC) Rules,1988. Note that this Department has already issued orders pertaining to extend to travel by air to visit NER for further two years upto April 2014.

We have reproduced the order and given below for your ready reference...

CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988— Relaxation for travel by air to visit J & K

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated 15th June, 2012


Subject:- CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988— Relaxation for travel by air to visit J & K

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. of even No. dated 18th June, 2010 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the relaxation for LTC travel to visit J & K under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 is extended for a further period of two years w.e.f. 18th June, 2012 subject to the following conditions:

(a) Travel by Air to continue to be ¡n Economy Class only, irrespective of the entitlement of the officer.

(b) The condition that air tickets can be purchased either directly from the Airlines (booking counters/website) or through authorized agents only viz., M/s Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd., or M/s Ashok Travels and Tours Ltd. / IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per D0PT’s O.M. No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 02.12.2009), would necessarily apply.

(C) All other conditions prescribed in this Department’s OM. dated 18.6.2010, read with O.M. dated 05.8.2010 and 25.8.2011 would continue to apply.

2. Hindi version follows.

(B. Bandyopadhyay) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sri. A.Sudhakaran AD TGY RO Calicut transferred and posted as SP Manjeri.
Smt. MiniRajan ASP HQ Calicut Dn. posted as AD Tgy RO calicut on adhoc promotion.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Shri. A.J.Jose SP Alapuzha retired from service on 30-6-2012. The Association wishes him a very happy and peaceful retired life.
Transfers & postings
Shri. K.Anil AD PG RO Kochi joined as Sr PM Kottayam

Shri. SS Das SP Mavilkara joined SP Alapuzha

Shri. K.O. Chacko Sr PM Kottayam joined as SP Mavelikkara

Smt. I.K.Lalithakumar ASP Irinjalakuda Dn is posted as AD PG RO Kochi on adhoc promotion

Monday, July 2, 2012

Circle Conference

The bi-annual Circle Conference of the Association was held at Hotel Woods Manor kochi on 30-6-2012. The Generalbody unanimously elected the following as the new office bearers of the Association for the year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. President Sri. R.V.Sreekantadas DDM PLI CO TVM Vice President Sri. P.V.Kesavan SP Changnacherry Circle Secretary Sri. M.Mohandas SSRM TVM Treasurer Sri. K.V.Vijayakumar AD Tgy Co TVM Orgn. Sec. Smt. T.V.Sundari Dy SP TVM North Dn. Asst Sec. Sri. K.K.Jayasankar SSP Trichur Asst Sec (II) Sri. P.Suseelan AD Mails Co TVM Shri.K.K.Devis was nominated as the Auditor.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Honesty is the best policy. We ar proud of you Mr. Kesavan. The Honesty of our member Sri. P.V.Kesavan, SP Chgnacherry has helped a poor auto driver to retrieve his purse containing an amount of Rs 11000/-, three mobile sim cards, ATM cards etc. Shri. Kesavan found the purse on the roadside and he entrusted the same to the nearby police station immediately. The Police inturn handed over the purse to its owner Mr. Manoj an auto driver .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Inky fingersRed and green should never be seen Share 4 Email Marc Abrahams The Guardian, Tuesday 8 April 2008 Are officers in the Indian government's ministry of steel permitted to use ink colours other than blue or black? Arun Shourie documents the process whereby this question was considered, tackled, bumped, spun and, to some extent, resolved. Shourie manages to compress the telling to a spare seven pages in his book Governance and the Sclerosis That Has Set In. The matter arose in 1999, when two ministry of steel officials noticed some handwritten notations on official papers that crossed their desk. The notes were in red and green ink. The two officials drafted a letter to the department of administrative reforms and public grievances, asking whether this was permissible. Six days later, the letter arrived at the department of administrative reforms and public grievances, having traversed a physical distance of less than a kilometre. Two weeks later, the department of administrative reforms and public grievancessent an office memorandum to the directorate of printing, which took three weeks to decide that it was not in a position to issue a definitive clarification. The department of administrative reforms then turned to the department of personnel and training, which deliberated for several weeks, then replied that the matter could best be handled by the department of administrative reforms. The department of administrative reforms then redirected the question internally, recommending it for discussion at the senior officers meeting. Over the next year, the matter was sent out and on to the director general of the national archives of India, who tasked it to his deputy director, who issued a letter that noted the relevance of Bureau of Indian Standards specifications IS-221-1962 and IS-220-1998, IS-1581-1975, and IS-5805-1993, which pertain variously to inks, fountain pens, and ball-point pens. Subsequent consultations with the joint secretary (O&M) in the ministry of defence and other officials led to the eventual modification of the government's Manual of Office Procedure, enlarging paragraph 32, sub-paragraph 9 and also paragraph 68, sub-paragraph 5, which, when considered jointly, now proscribe that "only an officer of the level of joint secretary to the government of India and above may use green or red ink in rare cases" provided, however, that doing so would serve appropriate functions. That's how things stood in 2004, the year Shourie's book appeared. Should the question be put again to the test, the government might reach a different determination. Key links in the original chain of consultation and decision-making have changed. The website of the Bureau of Indian Standards says that standard IS 221-1962 (ink fluid, blue-black, for permanent records) and standard IS 1581-1975 (ferro-gallo tannate fountain pen ink - 0.2% iron content) now have a new status: "Withdarwn" [sic]. "Withdarwn", too, are the related standards IS-3706-1965 (fountain pens), IS-5215-1980 (desk type fountain pens), IS-4498-1978 (nibs for fountain pens), IS-4099-1978 (nibs for penholders for general writing purposes), IS-2456-1963 (brass strip for pen nibs), and, most ominously of all, IS-221-1977 (ink fluid, blue-black, for permanent records). · Marc Abrahams is editor of the bimonthly Annals of Improbable Research and organiser of the Ig Nobel Prize

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Great Venture Greatest achievement. Three cheers Hearty Congratulations to Smt. Selvi S. ArunaDevi, GDS BPM Uralpatti BO A/W Komaralingam SO Under Udamalpet HPO, Coimbatore Region, Tamilnadu who has come out successful in all forms of IAS Examination ( Preliminary,Main and Interview ) in a single attempt.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shri Sreekantadas joined as SSP Ernakulam on adhoc promotion on 16-4-2012

Monday, April 9, 2012


Shri. K.S.Sreedharan SP Idukki retired from service on superannuation as on 31-3-2012. This Association wishes him a very Happy, healthy and peaceful retired life.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This Association extends its gratitude to Sri. Shibu M Job (DPS) who voluntarily retired from Service as on 2-2-2012, for all his support and guidance extended to us on all these years. We wish him all the very best in his life in the days to come.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This Association conveys deep condolence on the death of Devassy Kurian (died on 12-1-2012), Father of Sri. K.K.Devis SSP Kottayam. Sri. Jayadevan SSP Aluva , placed floral wreath on behalf of the Association.