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Monday, July 2, 2012

Circle Conference

The bi-annual Circle Conference of the Association was held at Hotel Woods Manor kochi on 30-6-2012. The Generalbody unanimously elected the following as the new office bearers of the Association for the year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. President Sri. R.V.Sreekantadas DDM PLI CO TVM Vice President Sri. P.V.Kesavan SP Changnacherry Circle Secretary Sri. M.Mohandas SSRM TVM Treasurer Sri. K.V.Vijayakumar AD Tgy Co TVM Orgn. Sec. Smt. T.V.Sundari Dy SP TVM North Dn. Asst Sec. Sri. K.K.Jayasankar SSP Trichur Asst Sec (II) Sri. P.Suseelan AD Mails Co TVM Shri.K.K.Devis was nominated as the Auditor.

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