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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Postal Officers Association, Kerala extends a hearty welcome to our new Director of Postal Services(HQ)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Annual General body

Annual General Body of the Postal Officers Association Kerala Circle was held at Government Guest House Thycaud on 6.11.13. Sri.M.Mohandas, SSRM RMS TV Dn. was elected as the new President of the Association and Sri. C.R.Ramakrishnan, APMG (Staff & Vig), C.O as the new Circle Secretary. A farewell function was arranged to Sri. Mustafa (SSP Calicut) and Sri. B.Mohanan (DDM PLI) who retired from service recently.

Monday, September 30, 2013

shri. George Ninan PMG Kochi relieved on 30-09-2013 and joined as PMG BD Chennai today

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

7th Pay commission

Prime Minister today announced the constitution of the 7th Pay commission. Recommendeations are likely to be implemented with effect from January 1, 2016

Friday, August 30, 2013

CPMG Kerala

Ms. S.S.Nair posted as CPMG Kerala. The Assoiation extends a warm welcome to the madam.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Shri. A.Govindarajan DPS HQ relieved to join the post DPS HQ Chennai on 5-6-2013,The Association wishes all the very best

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Change Management in India Post

1. What do you know about the changes the IT Modernisation Project- India Post 2012 will introduce? The IT Modernisation Project -India Post 2012 is launched by the Department of Posts (DoP) in September 2012. The project seeks to make the following changes: Modernisation and Computerisation of post offices across the country, including branch postal offices in rural areas Creation of an urban-rural network Implementation of integrated software covering all operations of the DoP such as Mail Operations, Postal Banking, Insurance, Finance and HR Establishment of the required IT Infrastructure including Data centre, Wide Area Network (WAN) based networking of the departmental post offices Deployment of Rural Information Communication Technology (Rural ICT) infrastructure in approximately 1, 30,000 Rural Post Offices across the country. 2. What will change when the IT Modernisation Project-India Post 2012 is implemented? When implemented, the IT Modernisation Project- India Post 2012 will lead to the changes mentioned below: Better operational efficiency Better visibility of various articles in the mail stream and transparency in financial services like banking, insurance etc Improved customer satisfaction due to faster and more reliable services in postal, logistics, banking, insurance and retail operations Increased revenue through higher market shares in the existing products and services and by introduction of new products and services based on the IT enablement Better decision making and operational planning due to availability of information in timely manner Potential reduction in the transaction cost and availability of manpower for redeployment in marketing and other revenue generating capabilities Enhanced employee satisfaction 3. What will not change as a result of the IT Modernisation Project -India Post 2012? The IT Modernisation Project-India Post 2012 will not lead to the following changes: There will be no physical dislocation of the employees of the Department of Posts (DoP). It will not reduce the role of the post office in the lives of the citizens and customers. In fact, with the introduction of new and better services, the importance of the DoP would grow. The DoP will continue to support its employees. One of the key objectives of the HR function is employee development through improvement in training administration and management

Monday, June 3, 2013


our Association bid a befitting farewell to Smt. SobhaKoshy CPMG Kerala Circle on the eve of her retirement(31-05-2013), expressed our gratitude for her support all these years and wished a happy ,healthyand prosperous retired life.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Special Generalbody meeting

As declared earlier, the special General body meeting our Association was held at Hotel The Capitol Trivandrum on 1-06-2013. The GB unanimously elected Sri. C.R.Ramakrishnan as the new circle president (vice sri. R.V.sreekantadas President relived on promotion/transfer to MP circle).


1. SHRI. L.K.Gangadharan joined as DDM PLI TVM 2. Shri. R.V.Sreekantadas DDM PLI TVM relieved ( allotted to - MP Circle) 3. Shri. P.G.Babu joined as SP Kasargod (Adhoc promotion) 4. Shri. T.M.Krishnaswami joined as OSD RO Calicut ( Adhoc. Promotion) 5. Shri. Ahmed Ashraf joined as AD Staff RO Calicut (Ad hoc promotion) 6. Shri. P.V.Janardhanan SRM Calicutt allotted to Central Region on adhoc promotion (against vacancy of SSP Kottayam)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Adhoc Promotion

Sri A.C.Philip AD RO Calicut joined as SSP Palakkad on adhoc promotion( leave vacancy)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Our friend Sri. M.P.Nirmal kumar is admitted to jubilee mission Medical college Thrissur due to stroke . We wish him a speedy recovery.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Transfer orders central Region Reverted

Trnasfer orders of Sr PM Ernakulam and Dy SP Ernakulam reportedly revised to maintain Status quo

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adhoc promotion

adhoc promotion to PSS Group B Sri P.G.Babu ASP Irinjalakuda alloted to Northern Region. Sri. E.V.Sugunan ASP Rms Thrissur alloted to Central Region

Friday, April 26, 2013

JTS A Regular promotion/ Reallotment

Sri. K.K.Devis SSP Kottayam allotted to Directorate New Delhi Sri. R.V. Sreekantadas DDM PLI alloted to MP Circle Sri. L.K.Gangadharan ADG Est Directorate re allotted to Kerala Circle

Transfer Central Region

Sri. Narasimha Naicken Dy SP EKM to be SR PM Ernakulam Sri. Aravindakshan Nair Sr PM Ernakulam to be SP Lakshadweep

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

limit for purchase of brief case revised w.e.f 26-3-2013

1. CPMG RS 8000/- 2. PMG GP 10000/- Rs 6500/- 3. DPS GP 7600/- - 8700/- Rs 5000/- 4. SPOs/SSPOs GP 4800-5400/Rs 4000/- 5. IPOs/ASPos Rs 3500/- Periodicity once in 3 years

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Shri Narasimha naicken AD Co joined as as Dy SP ernakulam on transfer. Shri Narendran ASRM Tv joined as AD legal Co on adhoc promotion

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Sri. P.Damodaran Dy SP Ernakulam joined as AD Legal Cell on transfer

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fare well party postponed

The farewell programme proposed to be held on 12-1-2012 has been postponed to 19-1-2012 (Saturday) due to some unexpected reasons.
All the members are requested to participate in the function on 19-1-2012
to be held at Hotel woods Manor, Woodlands Junction MG Road Kochi at 11 AM.