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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

NEW DELHI: Post offices moved a step closer to becoming banks. The government has allowed certain eligible branches to issue ATM cards to their account holders and also account statements instead of giving out passbooks, as most private sector banks do. 

On Tuesday, the government issued a gazette notification amending the Post Office Savings Bank General Rules, 1981. The rules will come into force immediately. These facilities will be available to the branches that are working on cor .. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Circular.No-1                                                                                                                        12.12.2014
The preliminary meeting of Confederation of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organisations, Kerala unit was held at KG Bose Bhavan at Cochin on the 30th of November 2014.   Representatives  of various organizations/Associations in 9 central Government Departments viz., Indian audit and accounts Department, Postal Department, Income Tax Department, Defence Research and Development Organization, Pay and Accounts Department, Postal Accounts and Marine products Export Development Authority  attended the meeting. Com.O.S.Sudhakaran (Commercial Audit Association) delivered welcome speech. The meeting was presided over by Com.N.Sreekumar (Income Tax Officers Association). Com.S.Mohan, the National convener of CCGGOO and Secretary General of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association delivered the key note address. In his address he appraised the members about the efforts being put in at the national level for reviving and strengthening the CCGGOO at the national level.  He touched upon various problems being faced by the Group B officers and the necessity for strengthening the Gazetted officers’ movement in the country. He also briefed about the memorandum submitted to the 7th pay commission by the confederation and charter of demands raised by the confederation before the pay commission. Com. C.R.Ramakrishnan (Postal Officers Association), Com K.P. Haridas (Income Tax Officers association), Com.C.Ravindran (Pay and Accounts Officers Association), Com.Chandrababu (Postal Accounts Officers Association), Com.K Gopi ( NPOL-DRDO- Engineers Association) Com.Rajendran ( Marine Products Export Development Authority-MPEDA) and Com. T.V.Vijayakrishnan( Audit Officers and Senior Audit Officers Association) also spoke on the occasion.
In the general discussion the participants appreciated the efforts taken for the formation of CCGGOO in Kerala and extended all support and participation in all its future programmes and campaigns. The members also deliberated about various problems faced by the officers in their respective department. Com.Mohan replied to the discussion.
The meeting decided to hold the first convention of CCGGOO Kerala Unit in February 2015 at Cochin. An ad-hoc committee with the following members was also formed in the meeting for conducting and co-coordinating the state level convention. The meeting authorized the adhoc committee to expand the committee by nominating representatives of other departments/organizations.
Adhoc Committee
Chairman- K.P. Haridas (Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association)
Convenor- T.V.Vijayakrishnan (Audit Officers and Senior Audit Officers Association)

Committee Members
  1. KK. Ramachandran (Audit Officers and Senior Audit Officers Association )
  2. G.NarayanaPillai (Association of AOs and SRAOs Association -Commercial)
  3. O.S.Sudhakaran (Commercial Audit Association of AAOs-Commercial)
  4. C.R.Ramakrishnan (Postal Officers Association)
  5. C.Ravindran (Pay and Accounts Officers Association)
  6. Chandra Babu.G (Postal Accounts Officers Association)
  7. K.Gopi(DRDO- Engineers Association)
  8. Rajendran(MPEDA Officers Association)
  9. Jayakumar( Survey of India Officers Association- co-opted )
  10. K James (Al India Radio Officers Association- co-opted )
Com.K.K.Ramachandran delivered vote of thanks
With warm regards

Monday, December 22, 2014

Circle Secretary attended the meeting of Central Government Gazetted Officers Association proposed to be set up in Kerala.  All India General Secretary Sri. Mohan attended the meeting.   It was decided to organise a convention in February 2015at Kochi to show the strength of the Association.  The details will be communicated to all our members.  We should ensure participation of all our members in the convention.
All our officers including those officiating in PS Group-B are requested to send important photographs relating to their achievement to the Secretary ( in order to publish them in this blog. 
Some of the officers belonging to PS Group-B and Group-A are yet to give option for recovery of monthly subscription to the Association.  All regular officers are requested to check whether monthly subscription is being recovered from their pay and allowances.  If not they are requested to submit application to the drawing and disbursing officer immediately.  
Sri.R.V.Sreekandadas, SSP, Ernakulam has taken over charge as APMG(Tgy), Circle Office. Sri.V.T.Lenin SP, Ottappalam on his adhoc promotion to JTS Group-A has taken over charge as SSP, Ernakulam.  The Association wishes them all success in their new assignments
Our Association proposes to arrange a farewell  function at Calicut to our retired officers - Sri. M.Sasindran, APMG(Tgy), CO, Sri. Janardhanan Nambiar, SSP, Calicut, Sri. Sivasubramania Dasan, SSP, Kollam and Sri. Chacko, APMG(Tgy) CO in the second week of January,2015.  All Members are requested to attend the function and intimate the Circle Secretary.  All Members are also requested to contribute Rs.500/- for arranging the function in a grand manner.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Farewell to CPMG madam Smt Shanthi S Nair by Postal Officers Association

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Shri. C.V.Raju SP Idukki joined as SP Tiruvalla Dn on 8-5-2014 Shri. Sam P George SP Tiruvalla relieved to join as SP KCSD Kochi

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gen Secretary All India Postal Officers Association requested Directorate to drop the revised seniority list of JTS Gr. A proposed on 1/4/2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saturday, April 19, 2014


1. Sri.P.Jayadevan SSP Aluva transferred and posted as SSP Calicut 2. Smt.A.Remadevi SSP Tvm North transferred and posted as SSP Kottayam 3. Sri. N.R.Giri SP KCSD posted as SSP Aluva on adhoc promotion 4. Sri Janardhan SSP Kottayam on reversion allotted to Central Region 5. Sri.Sam P George SP Tiruvalla transferred and posted as SP KCSD Kochi 6. Sri. P.V.Kesavan SP Changnacherry reallotted to Northern Region 7. Sri Raju SP Idukki realloted to Southern Region

Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Outsourcing for sale of "My Stamp", Commission for marketing of "My Stamp" and Discounts

DOP approved 10 % commission on selling price of My stamp to Postal Assistants and other discounts/ Commission to selling Agents

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Our Circle has submitted the latest APARs to the directorate as desired, for convening the DPC for JTS GR A 2013-2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Shri. V.K.Raveendranath Dy SP Ekm relieived on the same day after noon on the date of his joining as Dy SP Ekm to Circle Office on deputation as AD

Friday, February 14, 2014

Shri. V.K.Raveendranath Joined as Dy SP Ernakulam Division

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Electronic Indian Postal Order

Electronic Indian Postal Order – extension of service to Indian Citizens residing in India. In continuation to this Department’s OM. of even number dated 22/03/2013, it is intimated that Department of Posts has extended the “eIPO" (electronic Indian Postal Order) service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. 13.02.2014, for purchasing Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a fee online through e-Post Office Portal i.e. It can also be accessed through India Post website

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

7th Pay Commission Appointed

7th Central Pay Commission 1. Shri Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur (Retired Judge of the Supreme Court and Retired Chairman, Armed Forces Tribunal) Chairman 2. Shri Vivek Rae (Secretary, Petroleum & Natural Gas) Member (Full Time) 3. Dr. Rathin Roy (Director, NIPFP) Member (Part Time) 4. Smt. Meena Agarwal (OSD, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance)” Secretary

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Adhoc Promotion

Shri Shajan David PM Tcr joined as SP Thrissur Division on 3.2.2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Sri. P.Ramakrishnan SSP Palakkad under orders of deputation as Passport Officer Malappuram Sri. K.K.Jayasankar SSP Calicut transferred and Posted as SSP Palakkad with additional charge of SSP Calicut

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Adhoc promotion/Transfer (PSS Group B) Central Region Kochi

S/s 1.Shajan David SP Thrissur Dn 2.Aravindakshan Nair Sr PM Kottayam 3.K.Anil Sr PM Ernakulam 4.ValsaRajan SRM EK Dn. 5.V.K.Raveendranath DY SP Ernakulam 6.Narsimhanaicken SP Lakshadweep 7.Gunasekharan AD Mails