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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Transfer case of P.S.Group B Officers in N.R

Copy of the letter dated 08/09/10 addressed  to the Chief P.M.G Kerala is given below.

Respected Madam,
                               Postal Officers Association India, Kerala Circle strongly protests the onslaught on Divisional Superintendents by PMG Northern Region by way of irrational and indiscriminate transfers.All Gr.B Divisional heads are transferred in the middle of the academic year causing extreme difficulties to these officers and their family members.The action of the PMG NR is authoritarian and with malafide intentions.Gr.B officers recently transferred to their choice stations after prolonged stay outside are also transferred now.Gr.B officers are already demoralised as they are put on par with their stenographers for drawal of grade pay and other releated issues.The present action of the PMG will further demoralise the officers and will adversely affect the business prospect of the divisions.The Association would like to request you to kindly intervene in the matter and check the high handed actions of the PMG,who seems to be not familiar with the realities of the Circle.You may kindly note that Kerala Circle,though geographically very  small and backward in industrial growth,has acheived a significant position as revenue earner for the India Post due to the self less hard work of the divisional heads.The Association cannot remain a mere spectator to these actions of a PMG,who is  new to the Circle.
                             The Association registers the strong protest of the entire postal officers in the Circle on this issue and expects to have an immediate settlement.

                                    With Regards
                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully

                                                                                                                      K.K Devis
                                                                                                                   Circle Secretary 

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